• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

Gastric Reflux And Obesity

Reflux is a disease characterized by a burning sensation in the chest and throat as a result of stomach acid refluxing into the esophagus. At the junction of the esophagus and stomach, there is a natural valve made of muscles. Normally, since this valve is closed, there is no acid escape back into the esophagus.

Reflux occurs in cases that cause failure of this valve ( LES failure ). One of the most important causes of reflux disease is gastric hernia (hiatal hernia).

On the other hand, obesity is an important factor leading to reflux disease. In some obese people with reflux complaints, reflux complaints completely disappear due to weight loss. In some cases, even if patients lose enough weight after sleeve gastrectomy, reflux can be a problem in the long term. Reflux patients may have to use gastric acid-lowering medication (PPI) for many years.

In fact, reflux is an undesirable long-term side effect of sleeve gastrectomy (stomach reduction) surgery. The reason for this is the increase in intragastric pressure and the deterioration of the natural valve mechanism with the surgery. However, as long as most patients use medication, reflux does not cause a serious problem after sleeve gastrectomy surgery .


Recently, we have started to perform sleeve gastrectomy ( fundoplication + sleeve gastrectomy surgery ) in patients who have severe gastric acid reflux and have been using acid-lowering drugs for a long time in addition to obesity . We also published our first case. These patients both lost weight very well and their reflux problems disappeared after the surgery. This technique was developed by Prof. Dr. It is a technique used by my teacher Ahmet Türkçapar.

After Sleeve Gastrectomy

  1. Since the gastric fundus is removed, gastric acid production is reduced.
  2. Intra-gastric pressure is lowered.
  3. Food leaves the stomach more easily.
  4. Intra-abdominal pressure decreases due to weight loss.

In addition to getting rid of excess weight, sleeve gastrectomy surgery contributes to the following diseases:

  • Hypertension
  • high cholesterol
  • Stroke
  • Sleep apnea
  • type 2 diabetes
  • Infertility
  • Heart disease

The Relationship between Reflux and Obesity

Reflux is more common in patients with obesity.
Studies have shown that the incidence of reflux is increased in morbidly obese and body mass index values ​​are a risk factor for the development of reflux.

Many studies have been conducted on the relationship between obesity and reflux . Hiatal Hernia , which is the most important cause of reflux , is more common in obese patients than in normal patients. Due to the increase in intra-abdominal fat tissue, the increase in intra-abdominal (intra-abdominal) pressure and nutritional habits are effective in the formation of reflux.

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