• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

Doç. Dr. ozan Şen obezite cerrahisi

Plague of the Age Obesity

One out of every four people in our country is obese. Why is obesity dangerous? Who should have the surgery?

Tube Stomach Success

The most commonly performed obesity surgery in the world is sleeve gastrectomy. All about tube stomach.

Weight Loss Without Surgery

Non-surgical weight loss methods. Does it provide effective weight loss?


Gastric Balloon

Assoc. Dr. Ozan Şen was born in 1977 in Isparta as the son of teacher parents. When he was 9 years old, he had to be hospitalized for a short time as a result of a 2nd degree burn on his leg and went to the hospital for dressings for a long time. In that process, he personally witnessed how the doctors and health personnel in the hospital worked with devotion. He had already decided to become a doctor at that time. He graduated from Isparta Anatolian High School in 1995 and started his medical education at Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in the same year.

Obesity Surgery

Tekrar Kilo Alanlarda Revizyon Cerrahisi

In the first year after bariatric surgery, you will lose excess fleets and at some point, your weight will stabilize.

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Obesity and Colon Cancer

Did you know that some types of cancer are more common in obese people?

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What you did

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Benefits of Obesity Surgery

”Wouldn't you like to live a healthier, longer life, too?”

  • When you get on the plane, you will not need an extra seat belt device.
  • You will be able to climb stairs and walk long distances without panting.
  • You can bend over and tie your shoes yourself.
  • You will be able to buy and wear the clothes you want that suits you.
  • You will be able to cross your legs.
  • Your knees and lower back will no longer ache at the end of the day.
  • When you go somewhere, you will not look for a wide chair or armchair to sit.
  • You will pose more confidently in photos.
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