• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

Doç. Dr. Ozan Şen Obezite Cerrahisi

Plague of the Age Obesity

Obezite ile ilgili görsel

One out of every four people in our country is obese. Why is obesity dangerous? Who should have the surgery?

Tube Stomach Success

Tüp mide hakkında görsel

The most commonly performed obesity surgery in the world is sleeve gastrectomy. All about tube stomach.

Weight Loss Without Surgery

Ameliyatsız zayıflama yöntemi görseli

Non-surgical weight loss methods. Does it provide effective weight loss?


Gastric Balloon

This method, which does not require surgery, is ideal for those with a body mass index between 28-33 and those who have difficulty losing weight with diet. By taking up volume in the stomach, it provides a feeling of satiety by eating less. Most patients can lose 10-25 kilograms in 6 months.

Doç. Dr. Ozan Şen

Obesity Surgery

Revizyon cerrahisi ikonu

Tekrar Kilo Alanlarda Revizyon Cerrahisi

Obezite cerrahisi sonrası ilk bir yıllık süreçte fazla kilolarınızı vereceksiniz ve kilonuz sabitlenecek.

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Obezite ve bağırsak kanseri ikonu

Obesity and Colon Cancer

Bazı kanser türlerinin obezlerde daha sık görüldüğünü biliyor muydunuz?

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Merak ettikleriniz ikonu

What you did

You can find the answers to your questions by clicking the button below.

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Benefits of Obesity Surgery

”Wouldn't you like to live a healthier, longer life, too?”

  • When you get on the plane, you will not need an extra seat belt device.
  • You will be able to climb stairs and walk long distances without panting.
  • You can bend over and tie your shoes yourself.
  • Kendinize yakışan dilediğiniz kıyafeti alıp giyebileceksiniz.
  • You will be able to cross your legs.
  • Your knees and lower back will no longer ache at the end of the day.
  • When you go somewhere, you will not look for a wide chair or armchair to sit.
  • You will pose more confidently in photos.
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