• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

High CRP in Overweight People

CRP (C-reactive protein) is one of the first parameters to rise in the body in cases of infection and inflammation. It is also one of the most frequently applied tests when an infection or inflammatory condition is suspected in a patient. The normal range of CRP is 0-5 mg/L. We go through a complete check-up of our patients before bariatric surgery (tube stomach surgery or gastric bypass). Although there are no signs of infection in our patients, we see that CRP levels are mostly always high.

The most important indicator that obesity causes a low level of chronic inflammatory process in the body and wears out the body from the inside is actually this high CRP. A recent study revealed how the defense system in the human body is impaired by 3 weeks of high-calorie diet. The defense cells that accumulate in the adipose tissue cause an insidious inflammatory process in the body with the substances they secrete. This inflammatory process is actually the cause of metabolic syndrome triggered by obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and some cancers. We observed that the CRP level was normalized in all patients in the controls we made after the patients lost weight after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Another reason for the high level of CRP in obese people is the bacteria living in the intestines. Since people with weight problems generally eat unhealthy foods, bad bacteria begin to multiply in the large intestine flora of these people over time. The toxins created by these bacteria and the substances they secrete both contribute to the inflammatory process in the body and put the weight problem into an inextricable vicious circle. One of the reasons why certain cancers, especially colon cancer, are more common in people with weight problems are these bad bacteria that invade the intestines depending on the diet.

If you also have an overweight problem, it will be useful to have your CRP level checked while having the examination. As I always say, obesity is an insidious enemy that gnaws and rots the body over time. Taking early precautions against this enemy is very important in this respect.

If you've never been on a diet, go on a diet. If you have failed with the diet, do not give up. Do not be afraid of bariatric surgery. Fear the inflammatory process in your body when there is no reason for the diseases caused by obesity.

You can reach us by phone or social media (@doc.dr.ozansen instagram account) with any questions. Stay with love

If you have any questions about this or other topics such as obesity, bariatric surgery, tube stomach surgery, gastric bypass surgery, weight loss methods, gastric balloon, stomach botox, you can get more detailed information by visiting our website, youtube page or social media accounts.

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