• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

How Does Tube Stomach Surgery Weakness?

Gastric reduction (Tube Stomach) surgery is the most widely applied method worldwide today (60% of all obesity surgeries). Since your stomach capacity is reduced by surgery, you will be full by eating very little. Since you take fewer calories, the body burns stored fat and you lose weight. Weight loss continues for 1 month after the surgery and after getting rid of the excess weight, your weight is stabilized in a certain place.

Normally, a hormone called ghrelin is secreted from the fundus region of the upper part of the stomach. It is a hormone that constantly tells us "eat, eat" that triggers this hunger. Since this region of the stomach is also removed by surgery, very little ghrelin is secreted and patients lose weight comfortably for a long time (6 months-1 year) without getting hungry.

The surgery also improves insulin resistance and diabetes by triggering certain hormones independently of the weight loss effect. After gastric reduction surgery, the secretion of the hormone GLP-1 from the small intestines increases, and this acts on the pancreas, allowing blood sugar to fall to normal levels rapidly.

Advantages of Stomach Reduction Surgery:

  • Gastric reduction surgery is an easier operation than surgeries where the small intestines are involved, such as gastric bypass or duodenal switch.
  • The operation time is shorter. The anatomy of the intra-abdominal organs does not change. Only your stomach capacity is reduced
  • Less vitamin and mineral deficiencies are seen compared to other methods.
  • In patients who gain weight again in the future (this risk is 20% in the long term ), it can be easily converted to another surgery.
  • The long-term risk of regaining weight in patients who had gastric bypass surgery from the very beginning was found to be 18% in studies. However, the chance of reoperation is very difficult in patients who regain weight after bypass surgery.

Things to Consider After Gastric Reduction Surgery

Obesity surgery is applied to people who gain enough weight to negatively affect their health. Everyone says, 'I want to have stomach reduction surgery.' He cannot have surgery. In order to have this surgery, it is necessary to cross some borders. The priority condition is that the body mass index is over 35 or 40 and there must be diseases such as heart and diabetes. It should be between the ages of 18-60, which is accepted for surgery. If you meet these criteria, you can have obesity surgery.

Patients who are considering surgery may think 'Will I gain weight again after the surgery?' The style gets stuck with some being asked. After gastric sleeve surgery, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Soft and liquid foods should be consumed
  • getting enough protein
  • Chew food thoroughly and swallow it
  • Food should be eaten slowly
  • Not taking solid and liquid foods at the same time
  • Do not eat after feeling full
  • Do not skip meals, have regular food consumption
  • Do not lie down or lie down after eating

Exercise After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Exercising after sleeve gastrectomy improves the circulatory system and reduces the risk of clot formation. It also allows the stitches to heal faster. After the Gastric Sleeve Surgery, the first two weeks are about to start sports with short short walks. Over time, the duration of these walks may be extended. At first, fatigue may be felt very quickly, but this is normal after surgery. It should be continued without getting tired and determined because doing sports after surgery is important for the health of the patient.

After bariatric surgery, one month should be waited for jogging. At first, the patient should start sports only with walking, then he should start jogging within the knowledge of his doctor.

Heavy exercises should not be started immediately after stomach surgery . Heavy exercises are likely to cause muscle and stomach hernia. For this reason, it should be waited for about a month. After a month, if there is no problem in the doctor's examination, heavy training is started.

What you need to do to gain exercise habit after sleeve gastrectomy:

  • To ensure exercise continuity, you should have a partner with you. This way you will be more motivated.
  • Use stairs in your social areas such as home, work, school.
  • Prepare yourself a gym bag and keep it with you at all times.
  • Make sure to wake up early in the morning.
  • Be active even when you are not exercising.
  • Listen to music that will increase your energy during sports.
  • Create weekly or monthly schedules and fill it with activities you love.

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