• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

Obesity Surgeries Criteria Updated

The most important criterion considered for obesity surgeries (stomach reduction surgery or gastric bypass) is body mass index. So how do we calculate body mass index?

Our weight(kg)/ Height x height(m) = Body mass index

If we make an example calculation, let our height be 1.75 m and our weight be 120 kg.

120 kg/ 1.75 x 1.75= 39. This is your body mass index

You know, the upper limit of the body mass index is 25 kg/m2. In the guides, 25-30 is defined as overweight. The concept of obesity actually starts after 30. Type 1 obesity in the 30-35 range. The range of 35-40 is defined as Type 2 obesity, and above 40 is defined as Type 3 obesity.

In fact, obesity surgery has a history of 40-50 years. One of the first parameters we look at when deciding on sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery is body mass index. The guidelines we consider in this regard were determined by the National Institute of Health, whose short name is NIH, in 1991. Until now, we have always taken these guidelines into account in terms of compliance with obesity surgeries.

After 30 years, these guides have finally been updated. Let's take a look at the changes in the new guide published jointly by the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, of which I am an active member, and the International Federation of Bariatric Surgery, whose short name is ASMBS.

In the old guide published in 1991, bariatric surgery was recommended for those with a body mass index of 30-35 and at least one co-morbid problem related to obesity (such as hypertension or diabetes) and people with a body mass index above 40.

" The new guideline says that obesity surgery should be considered and recommended to those with a body mass index of 30-35, regardless of obesity-related co-morbidity or not." Of course, these people must have been on a diet before. The new guidelines also state that bariatric surgery should be considered in selected adolescents (adolescence) and children with a body mass index above 30 who have tried a diet before but failed.

Many studies in the last 30 years have shown that the results of bariatric surgery are very effective. In addition, the risk of these surgeries is very low. According to the 2016 report, it is known that there are 650 million people with obesity problems in the world. 13% of them are the young generation, which we call adolescents. According to the CDC report, 42% of the American population today has an obesity problem. Only 1-2% of the obese population worldwide can undergo surgeries such as sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass annually. Unfortunately, this is not enough in the fight against obesity.

After 30 years, it is very important that the guides have been updated in the light of scientific developments and researches. Because the sooner you crush the head of the snake, the longer-lasting and effective results you will get. Obesity surgeries not only cause weight loss, but also prevent many obesity-related diseases from the beginning.

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