• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

Obesity Surgery Reduces The Risk Of Heart Attack!

Obesity is one of the top priority problems in the world today. In our country, 4 out of 10 people are obese. Today, the most effective treatment method in the fight against obesity is bariatric surgery, that is, obesity surgeries. Maybe most of you know that being obese brings with it many restrictions in life. (not being able to walk comfortably, getting tired quickly, not being able to wear the clothes you want, etc.) Obesity does not only affect our lives with restrictions in social life.It impairs our health and shortens human life, with many problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes or insulin resistance, fatty liver, sleep apnea, which it causes in the early period. Recently, a very important study has been published on this subject. This study was carried out in the Clivlend Clinic, one of the leading and world-famous health centers in America. They observed about 15000 individuals with obesity and diabetes, who had or did not have obesity surgery, for 8 years. The results at the end of the study are very remarkable. I want to talk to you about them item by item.

  • It has been revealed that heart attack, stroke (stroke) and kidney disease are 40% less common in those who have obesity surgery compared to those who do not have surgery.
  • In this 8-year period, the mortality rate due to diseases caused by obesity decreased by half in the group that underwent bariatric surgery.

 This study strongly shows that; Those who have obesity surgery do not only get rid of their excess weight. It also gets rid of serious diseases such as current or future diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, fatty liver and cirrhosis due to obesity. Details of the study can be found at the link below:

If you have any questions about this or other issues such as obesity, bariatric surgery, tube stomach surgery, gastric bypass surgery, weight loss methods, gastric balloon, stomach botox, you can send them to us by visiting our website or social media accounts.

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