• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

The Bloody History of Sugar

Did you know that more than 10 million people were killed in time for a 2 TL chocolate we ate? Man has exaggerated everything, exaggerated everything. Sugar is a substance that is normally very hard to find in nature. After finding sugar, he brought it into his life in such a way. At this point, people have become acquainted with obesity and the diseases it causes ( diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, fatty liver and many more) due to  excessive sugar consumption . Here is the Bloody History of Sugar….

The day man met sugar, he almost squeezed his own heel and cut the branch he was on. More than 2 billion people in the world today are overweight or obese. One out of every four people in our country is obese.   The problem of obesity in children is growing like an avalanche. If people had not gone to such extremes after finding sugar, perhaps obesity would not have become one of humanity's biggest problems today. If humanity had not become so dependent on sugar, obesity surgeries (tube stomach surgery) would not be one of the most performed surgeries in the world today.

Sugar was first It was discovered in India by the Persian emperor Darius in 510. On that day, humanity met the sugar cane, which gives honey without bees. It was a great secret and remained so for centuries. Then, when the Muslim Arabs invaded Iran, they learned about the production and cultivation of sugar cane. Then, thanks to the crusades, Europe became acquainted with sugar cane. People loved the taste of this new plant so much that it became a favorite of the rich. Sugar has even begun to be used in treatment. Doctors advised their patients to eat sugar to gain strength.

One of the plants that Columbus took with him when he explored the world in 1492 was sugar cane. In later periods, mankind massacred most of the indigenous people in the places they discovered and created huge sugar cane fields. India, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Pacific islands were colonized and the indigenous people were enslaved and used in huge sugar cane plantations. Wars broke out between European states because of sugar.

Today, sugar is in such a strong position in the world economy that no one can afford to beat it. Compared with other drugs that are legal and perhaps addictive, sugar is the substance. If human beings really want to be successful in the fight against obesity, if they care about human health and future generations, they should find a solution to this uncontrolled sugar consumption. At least those of us, who read this and the food industry doesn't care one bit, should act individually.

If you have any questions about this or other issues such as obesity, bariatric surgery, tube stomach surgery, gastric bypass surgery, weight loss methods, gastric balloon, stomach botox, you can send them to us by visiting our website or social media accounts.

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