• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

The Man Who Radically Changed His Perspective on Obesity Surgeries: Walter Pories (Evreka)

Walter Pories (Evreka), the man who radically changed the way he looked at bariatric surgery

      Obesity surgeries were first performed in the 1950s. However, at that time, there was no laparoscopy, that is, closed surgery technology, as it is now. That's why surgeries are performed with open surgery and patients stay in the hospital for a very long time. The aches and pains are getting more. That's why bariatric surgery could not develop much at that time.

At the end of the 90's, with the developments in laparoscopy (closed surgery) technology, obesity surgeries gained great momentum and it is one of the most performed surgeries in the world today.

    As you know, one of the most important causes of diabetes (type 2 diabetes) is excess weight .Diabetes and obesity are like two inseparable brothers. Even today, the cure for diabetes has not been fully found. That's when an obesity surgeon named Walter Pories noticed something that no one else noticed. Obesity surgeries not only cause weight loss, but also improve diabetes with these surgeries. By doing a study on this subject, he publishes an article called "Who would have thought". This article is making a big splash in the scientific world. When it is realized that sleeve gastrectomy and other obesity surgery methods also improve diabetes, there is an incredible increase in the number of patients who want to have obesity surgery. For this reason, I think that this scientist has a great contribution to the fact that obesity surgeries are one of the most frequently performed surgeries today.


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