• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

The Secret of Long-Term Success After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

We call the first year after sleeve gastrectomy surgery as the rehabilitation period. The habits to be gained in this period are actually the main determinants of long-term success. However, most of those who have sleeve gastrectomy surgery do not show the necessary importance to this period. The most important reason for this is the rapid and comfortable weight loss period in the first months after the surgery. Most of the patients do not make any extra effort since they lose weight comfortably with the hormonal effect of gastric reduction surgery (as appetite is suppressed by the effect of ghrelin). This extra effort means correcting mistakes in eating habits and gaining sports habits. They think that this appetite suppression will last a lifetime. Maybe they don't think that there is a limit to the weight loss effect of the surgery.

How do we know this? Unfortunately, those who gain sports habits in the long term after sleeve gastrectomy cannot exceed 10% of all patients. Patients often think: "When I stop losing weight, I start exercising". ''I can't eat much right now, even if I want to. I already eat a little bit, what will happen if you chew too much?

This is a big mistake because it is very difficult to gain habits that are not gained during the rehabilitation period, which is the first year after sleeve gastrectomy.

It is really difficult for normal people to gain the habit of doing sports. I accept this. But once you gain this habit, it is difficult to quit. Sport is one of the key points in long-term success in order not to gain weight back after sleeve gastrectomy. It's like a braking mechanism. You know life is full of ups and downs. Maybe it's okay for today. But after 3 years, 5 years, if we lack this braking mechanism, one day we may overspeed and go off the road like a truck with a broken brake on one of those descents.

Remember, weight is not gained all of a sudden after bariatric surgery. It is taken slowly. And one day you see that you are so far from the shore that it is very difficult to return.

At the end of the first year after sleeve gastrectomy, most of them reach their ideal weight and are happy. But it should not be forgotten that; The happiness of those who study well in their first year, those who gain sports habits, and those who never let go of their control over the sleeping obese brain last a lifetime.

If you have any questions about this or other topics such as obesity, bariatric surgery, tube stomach surgery, gastric bypass surgery, weight loss methods, gastric balloon, stomach botox, you can get more detailed information by visiting our website, youtube page or social media accounts.

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