• Doç. Dr. OZAN ŞEN

What Is A Gastric Balloon?

Gastric balloon is an alternative weight loss method for people who do not meet the criteria of bariatric surgery, but are at the limit of obesity and cannot lose these weights with methods such as diet alone.

If your body mass index (BMI) is in the range of 28-33, a gastric balloon can help you. This procedure is not an operation. With this method, most of the patients can lose 10-25 kilos in a period of 6 months .

There are many brands of gastric balloons in practice. Although there are certain differences between them, the common purpose of all of them is to provide less food by filling the stomach and to create a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Who is the Gastric Balloon Applied to?

Gastric balloon is a non-surgical method and is an endoscopic application. The balloon is inflated as the doctor deems appropriate by placing it in the stomach. Gastric balloon has a silicone structure. Since it occupies a large space in the stomach, it provides the patient with a feeling of satiety. Gastric balloon is applied to people who have the following criteria:

  • When people with light or moderate weight are unable to lose weight with diet or exercise
  • For patients with advanced weight who are afraid of surgery, to reduce their excess weight before surgery.
  • People between the ages of 18-55 who cannot lose weight despite dieting and have a body mass index of 28 and above.

How is the Gastric Balloon Inserted?

After general anesthesia is applied to the patient, it is placed in the stomach by endoscopic method . The balloon placed in the stomach is inflated with serum using the extension line and the procedure is completed. This process takes an average of 30 minutes . After this procedure, the patient is kept under observation for a while and returns home the same day.

The gastric balloon is removed within 6 months to 1 year after insertion . During this period, if the patient listens to the doctor's recommendations and pays attention to his diet, he will lose the desired weight.

In Which Situations Is The Gastric Balloon Not Applied?

There are some obstacles to gastric balloon application. Among the people who cannot be applied a gastric balloon ;

  • with gastritis and stomach ulcer
  • Have had previous stomach or esophageal surgery
  • Large gastric hernia and heart-lung disease
  • with bleeding disorder

Gastric balloon is not applied to people.

Side Effects of Gastric Balloon

Some non-serious side effects of the gastric balloon, which is seen as foreign by the body, can be seen. Gastric balloon side effects include; heartburn, nausea, pain, cramps and, very rarely, ulcers may occur. If these effects are seen, the gastric balloon should be removed. This is seen as the stomach's refusal to accept the balloon. Side effects seen in the first week
after the gastric balloon is inserted :

Nausea : After the balloon is inserted, you may feel uncomfortable in your stomach. Nausea is seen in 90% of patients in the first week after the gastric balloon is inserted. This is because your stomach is not accustomed to the balloon. Medication will be given by your doctor to relieve your nausea.

Stomach Cramps : Stomach cramps, just like nausea, occur because your stomach is not used to it. This condition is also treated with medication. Your stomach will return to normal once you get used to it.

Weakness : In the first week, you will not be able to eat properly due to nausea and cramps. That's why it's normal to feel sluggish, your weight loss journey has begun.

Early Removal: Patients who cannot stand these effects in the first weeks want to remove the gastric balloon. Our doctors and team will assist you to prevent premature removal.
Side effects seen in the following period:

Bloating : A gastric balloon makes your stomach feel bloated. This is due to the feeling of satiety after a meal. However, if it causes discomfort, it is treated.

Heartburn, Reflux : In the following days after gastric balloon surgery, heartburn may be seen. Coffee, spicy foods, alcohol consumption trigger this situation. In this case, low-fat milk and dairy products can help you.

Intestinal Problems : This is normal as less food is consumed after gastric balloon application.

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